Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the U.S. About 140,000 people are diagnosed every year. About one million people live with a history of the disease. Despite these facts, colon cancer is often overlooked when being compared to other cancers.
Fortunately, colonoscopy Beverly Hills has some good news; colon cancer is preventable. Studies show that 75% of cases can be prevented by taking certain measures. Colonoscopy Beverly Hills offers these tips to lower your risk of colon cancer.
Regular Screenings
Screening for colon cancer on a regular basis is the best way to protect yourself against the disease. The most common exam used for the detection of colon cancer is a colonoscopy. This procedure is done while the patient is under anesthesia. A flexible camera is inserted into the patient’s colon. Any polyps found in the colon are removed. Over time, if left alone, these polyps can become cancerous. You should begin regular colonoscopies at age 50; earlier if you have a family history of colon cancer. To schedule a colonoscopy visit colonoscopy Beverly Hills.
Healthy Diet 
Eat more whole fibers, fruits, and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants while fiber helps with regular bowel movements. Avoid eating processed foods and red meats. These foods are high in saturated fat which is directly linked to colon cancer.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Aside from smoking, being overweight raises the risk of many cancers. Obesity is linked to at least 11 different cancers including colon cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers your risk diseases.
Limit Alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol overworks the liver, resulting in more toxins passing through the colon. Alcohol increases the risk of cancers including colon cancer. Drink moderately, if at all.
Stop Smoking
It’s no surprise that smoking causes cancer. Quitting smoking has benefits that can be seen right after your last cigarette. Not smoking is one of the best decisions you can do for your health.
People who are physically active lower their risk of serious diseases and cancers by 24%. At least 30 minutes of activity every day makes a difference.
By implementing these tips, you will be at a lower risk for colon cancer. For more information about colon health visit colonoscopy Beverly Hills.
About Peyton P. Berookim
Dr. Peyton P. Berookim is a colonoscopy Beverly Hills doctor with years of experience in gastroenterology care. If you have a family history of colon cancer contact Dr. Berookim today at 310.271.1122, or visit him in-person at 150 N Robertson Blvd, Suite #204, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.