Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is different from any other illness in the fact that it will not be visible on any test or doctor examination. It remains unseen on the outside. Irritable bowel syndrome is said to affect 10-15% of adults and is twice as likely to occur in women as in men. IBS is a functional disorder where the gut and brain are not communicating as effectively as they should. People who suffer from IBS can be very sensitive to activity that is taking place in their gut. For example, small pockets of gas can cause them to feel pain and discomfort that would otherwise go unnoticed.
The Second-Brain
The gut is said to be where our “second-brain” lies. Our second brain is linked to the brain in our head. Together, they determine our emotions and dictate internal responses to outside stimulation, such as feeling “butterflies” before an important public speech.
An evolving theory about IBS is its link to serotonin levels in the gut. Serotonin is commonly thought of as being produced by the brain and linked to changes in mood. However, the gut also produces levels of serotonin. It is theorized that patients who suffer primarily from constipation may have decreased levels of serotonin and those with diarrhea, have increased amounts.
Common Treatment Options
Treatment is commonly aimed at the symptoms, since the cause of irritable syndrome is still unknown. Typical treatments may include: changes in diet, supplements, laxatives or stool hardeners. A colonoscopy is a good place to start because colitis can often have similar symptoms to IBS, but requires different treatment. Your doctor may also recommend a colonoscopy as a preventative technique in regards to colon cancer. An alternative treatment can be psychotherapy. Psychotherapy aims at increasing your effectiveness at managing the stress and anxiety that is exacerbated by having IBS. It targets the brain-gut connection and controlling your emotions to ease your IBS symptoms.
Living With IBS
IBS is not a life-threatening disorder, but it can certainly be life altering. IBS can feel as if it is dictating how you live your life. It may force you to stay home or avoid doing the activities you enjoy. This can cause stress or even depression, which further aggravates the brain-gut connection as you become unhappy. Many new and more specific medications are under investigation to better tailor treatments to individual cases. Dr. Berookim is a colonoscopy specialist located in the heart of Beverly Hills. Visit his website today to see how he can help alleviate your symptoms of IBS.