• How to Reduce IBS Symptoms

As one of the best gastroenterologists in Los Angeles, Dr. Berookim encounters and solves issues of IBS often and wants to extend his teachings. 

These methods are not cures. See your doctor if you have major pains and concerns about your digestive system. IBS is irritable bowel syndrome and the symptoms can be pain and cramping, diarrhea, constipation, inconsistent bowel movements, gas, bloating, food intolerance, and fatigue. These symptoms vary depending on your body type and what you eat. There are many foods that you should avoid such as coffee, dairy, and excessive gluten. These foods depend on the person. If there is a particular food that causes your IBS to flare up, do your best to acknowledge and avoid it. 

  • Fiber

Different kinds of fiber can affect your IBS depending on what your symptoms are. Diarrhea and constipation are contradictory symptoms but both are labels to irritated bowel syndrome. 

  • Soluble Fiber

This kind of fiber resides in fruits and vegetables such as apples, oranges, strawberries, blueberries and peas. They slow the digestive system because they have properties that absorb water. When water is absorbed in the body, it slows diarrhea.  If you are suffering from diarrhea, increase your intake of soluble fibers. Oats and bran are also a good source of soluble fiber.

  • Insoluble Fiber

These fibers don’t absorb water or break down in the digestive system so they are better for constipation. As one of the most experienced and best gastroenterologists in Los Angeles, Dr. Berookim recommends eating leafy greens, cabbage, and chia seeds to ease this IBS symptom. 

  • Tea

There are many therapeutic aspects in tea, almost as many as there are different types of tea. Like fibers, different types of tea produce different results. 

  • Peppermint

This leaf is used to ease digestive discomfort because it relaxes the intestine and relieves bloating. Abdominal pain is reduced. This takes effect quickly when drinking peppermint tea and lasts a couple of hours. It’s a good remedy for immediate cramp relief. 

  • Anise 

This leaf is a traditional medicinal herb that has many healing properties. When bloating occurs, this tea can reduce activity in the stomach and ease the digestive tract. There are also anti-inflammatory properties present in this tea. 

Dr. Peyton P. Berookim is recognized as one of the best gastroenterologists in Los Angeles. His practice is accommodating and hands-on, caring about his patients’ comfort and well-being. He welcomes anyone who is ready to be more informed about their digestive system to make an appointment today.

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