This notice is to inform you of the different entities which will be involved in providing care for you the day of your procedure. These providers will be billing your insurance for their respective services. Should you have any billing related questions before or after your procedure, please feel free to contact them directly at the phone numbers listed below:
Cost: You will receive a phone call from the billing department at the surgery center once your benefits have been verified. They will inform you of your facility co-pay (if any) which will be collected on the day of your procedure.

Peyton Berookim, MD, FACG
Pre-procedure -contact our office: (310)271-1122
Post-procedure- billing department: (310)273-7365
Robertson Surgery Center/ La Peer Surgery Center
Insurance verification and payment information: (310)360-9119
General Anesthesia Specialist Partners (GASP)
Billing Department, Gina or Charlotte: (213)637-3701
Cedars-Sinai/Path MD Laboratory
Billing Department: (424)245-7284 *If biopsies are taken or polyps are removed*
GI Pathology (Poplar Healthcare)
Billing Department: (888) 274-7956 *If biopsies are taken or polyps are removed*
Please note that our office does not perform billing services for the other entities other than the professional fees. These other entities may bill your insurance and /or you separately. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Thank you.