Third Eye® Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy has long been considered the gold standard in colon cancer detection and prevention, as it allows doctors to remove pre-cancerous polyps before cancer can develop. As part of his commitment to offering patients the most state-of-the-art procedures to guard against cancer, Peyton Berookim, M.D., F.A.C.G. now performs the Third Eye Colonoscopy Los Angeles services. If you have questions about this revolutionary procedure, or if you’d like to schedule a consultation at Gastroenterology Center of Southern California, don’t hesitate to contact us.

What Is Third Eye Colonoscopy Los Angeles?
Offering a backward or retrograde view of the colon, Third Eye Colonoscopy enables Dr. Berookim to detect and remove polyps hidden behind the folds of the colon wall. In a study involving patients from multiple clinics. Third Eye Colonoscopy increased polyp detection 23 percent over that of traditional colonoscopy.
Who Should Consider Third Eye Colonoscopy Procedure?
Dr. Berookim recommends that patients undergo their first colonoscopies at age 50. Due to a higher risk factor for colon cancer, African Americans should begin screening at 45. Patients with a family history of colon cancer should commence screening ten years before the age at which a relative was diagnosed. Additionally, anyone with the following symptoms should not hesitate to be screened:
- Unexplained weight loss
- Changes in bowel habits
- Narrowing of stool
- Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool
Patients with a higher risk of colorectal cancer due to family history, troubling symptoms or a history of polyps and those who wish to be extra safe in their screening may be good candidates for Third Eye colonoscopy.
Preparing for Third Eye Colonoscopy Procedure
Following your doctor’s instructions for proper bowel preparation is essential to the success of your colonoscopy. However, the prep required for Third Eye Colonoscopy involves no additional steps or aspects. Dr. Berookim will provide you with detailed instructions to prepare for your colonoscopy procedure.
Undergoing Third Eye Colonoscopy Procedure
You will be under anesthesia during Third Eye Colonoscopy Los Angeles procedure and should not experience any pain or discomfort. During the procedure, Dr. Berookim will insert the ThirdEye retroscope through the channel of the colonoscope. Once the retroscope leaves the channel, the end of the device performs a 180-degree turn. As Dr. Berookim slides out the colonoscope, the Third Eye device provides him with a continuous retrograde look at the wall of the colon and enables him to find polyps hidden in the lining.

*The Third Eye Colonoscopy can detect a polyp behind a fold, while a regular colonoscopy view can unfortunately miss a polyp that is on the back side of a fold in a colon.
Recovering from Third Eye Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy is a safe procedure with minimal risk to the patient. Studies found that Third Eye Colonoscopy offers no significant change to length of procedure or risk of complications. A Third Eye Colonoscopy is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts less than an hour. You will be able to leave our facility once the sedative has worn off.
Contact Gastroenterology Doctor Dr. Berookim
Offering superior colon cancer detection and enhanced peace of mind, a Third Eye Colonoscopy is a great option for patients with a family history of cancer or troubling symptoms. Call Dr. Berookim at 310.271.1122 to schedule this revolutionary procedure today.