People pass gas, 14 times a day on average through belch or flatulence. However, for expecting mothers, passing gas is even higher on average, which can cause some embarrassing moments. Many things can cause gas and bloating during pregnancy such as swallowing air when chewing gum or foods that causes bloating in your abdomen. The high levels of progesterone in pregnant women slows the digestive process causing that uncomfortable bloating feeling along with the weight of a growing baby onto the digestive tract can cause your gassy moments. By changing small habits in your pregnancy, it can help you feel lighter and reduce uncomfortable moments due to gas.
Rather than fearing gas or denying it, here are 4 ways to relieve gas and bloating during your pregnancy:
1. Food Choice
Avoid artificial sweeteners such as diet sodas and foods that cause gas in everyone including pregnant women such as, beans, cabbage, onions, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, pears, apples, prunes, peaches, whole grain products, milk, ice cream, cheese, and carbonated drinks.
2. Keep a Food Journal
If there are certain times of the day where you feel most gassy, keeping a daily journal of what you eat throughout the day can help you determine where to change your diet or routine.
3. Get Moving
Having gas in inevitability we must embrace when it comes to pregnancy. Getting some exercise after large meal like taking a walk or even sitting down with your legs elevated can alleviate stress on your abdomen and reduce pain caused with bloating.
4. Smaller Meals
Eating 3 well-balanced meals a day can contribute to excessive gas during your pregnancy. Breaking up 3 large meals into several smaller ones helps your body digest your food, freeing you from bloating and gas.